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The BEST IDEAS of 2017

The BEST IDEAS of 2017

WOW! There are lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there is only one good one: to change the world.”   That was the idea that opened the third annual New General Market Summit, co-produced by Drug Store News &... read more
Sorry, You're Late

Sorry, You're Late

“Don’t go for small commitments on big things, but aim for big commitments on small things” —Jeroen De Flander The Idea:   What do leaders in the B-to-B world want from their service providers?  With ninety percent of sales professionals not creating... read more
What Experts Taught Me About the Future

What Experts Taught Me About the Future

The Idea: Recently, I was shocked to discover that over one third of the growth in last month’s S&P 500 was driven by four disruptive catalysts: Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. These four have transformed how we shop, build brands,... read more
Self-Control is a Scarce Resource

Self-Control is a Scarce Resource

“A man who can't bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.” ― Stephen King, The Dark Tower The Idea:  I have a love/hate relationship with structure and discipline in my life.  I hate it when others... read more
What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.” --Brandon Sanderson, fantasy and science fiction writer   The Idea:  We all have a story. It explains our past and inspires our... read more
Are You Dreaming?

Are You Dreaming?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.... read more
Get to the Point!

Get to the Point!

“I would have written you a shorter letter if I had more time.” Blaise Pascal The Idea:  A few years ago, Microsoft uncovered that the average attention span has fallen thirty three percent, from twelve seconds to eight. We now live in... read more
Quit Pitching - Master Improvisation

Quit Pitching - Master Improvisation

The Idea:  University of Michigan enthusiasts call their school the “Harvard of the West” because of a long-forgotten Ivy League quota restriction that funneled the east coast’s best students westward. But a more curious comparison to Cambridge’s university is that... read more
TEAM MEETING:  Genius is Overrated

TEAM MEETING: Genius is Overrated

The Five Behaviors The cornerstone of execution is the ability to get the right things done on time and on budget.  Yet studies show that less than a third of projects meet this criterion.  Our research shows that senior executives... read more
The Idea:  Are You Open Minded?

The Idea: Are You Open Minded?

First Impressions are Wrong                                                                        Did you know that first impressions are wrong 70 percent of the time?   According to former Harvard researcher, Jamie Holmes, “We tend to see patterns where none exist and embrace certainty when none is justified.”  Our... read more
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