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The Secrets of 10X Growth Companies!

The Secrets of 10X Growth Companies!

The Idea: Transformation happens not when something new begins but when something old falls apart. Transformation occurs through the process of letting go of the old and embracing the new; including a reorientation says philosopher Richard Rohr. The 10X companies are... read more
The World’s Best Speakers!

The World’s Best Speakers!

The World’s Best Speakers! The Idea: Nobody trusts perfect people, so why do we try to give perfect presentations?  My experience tells me it doesn’t work, in fact perfect presentations may hurt you.  We all want to engage with people who... read more
Are You Guilty of Self-Deception?

Are You Guilty of Self-Deception?

The Idea: Of all the problems in organizations, self-deception might be the most problematic. It is a problem because the only thing worse than lying to another is lying to one’s self. Humans have incredibly malleable minds, and this phenomenon... read more
Do Others Trust You?

Do Others Trust You?

The Idea: Do your best customers trust your sales and marketing leaders?  According to The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 49% of surveyed sales managers shared that their sales organizations had lied on calls, and 34% had sales... read more
Did You Remember?

Did You Remember?

The Idea: I recently shared a number of big ideas which were uncovered at leadership and innovation summits. These are the types of ideas that need constant revisiting; the leaders who are discussing these ideas are flourishing and having fun... read more
The Dark Side of Biases

The Dark Side of Biases

The Idea: All of us are biased; it is the way we understand patterns and the greater world around us. It’s a reflex, it’s programmed, but it’s also dangerous. Psychologist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman is known for his work... read more
Lessons From A Walmart Summit

Lessons From A Walmart Summit

The Idea: “We are on the verge of an economic crisis that could disrupt the whole U.S. healthcare system.” Our lack of preventative healthcare (and implications) was a theme conveyed by numerous economists, healthcare entrepreneurs, and technology experts gathered at... read more
What’s Next?

What’s Next?

The Idea:   Are you ready for the future of leadership in our industry? There are over 58,000 books sold on Amazon with the word “Leadership” in their title. With so much literature available why is leadership so misunderstood? I recently... read more
Has Your Wine Run Dry

Has Your Wine Run Dry

The Idea:  At some point we all are confronted with growth stall in our business or personal life.  The wine always runs dry. This sudden slow down or stop in a company’s sales growth or a collapse in creative thinking... read more
How to Improve “Return on Failure”

How to Improve “Return on Failure”

The Idea:  Success is a terrible teacher.   One may meet their personal goals, but success is rarely a catalyst for growth, it come through failure.  It is that simple.  A survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group showed that 31% of... read more
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