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What Did the Super Bowl Teach Us About Storytelling?

What Did the Super Bowl Teach Us About Storytelling?

“The best advertising isn’t advertising.” –Ajaz Ahmed The Idea:  Five million dollars for a 30 second spot - was it worth it? A recent Fortune article states “80% of Super Bowl commercials do not boost sales or purchase intent.  And... read more
Are You An Original?

Are You An Original?

The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps. Bob Black The Idea:  To quote strategist, professor and author Rita Gunther McGrath, “competitive advantage is transient.” Our current advantages are not sustainable.  Brand loyalty is at an all-time... read more
What Can The Method Brand Teach Us About the Future of Business?

What Can The Method Brand Teach Us About the Future of Business?

The Idea:  what does EOS, Every Man Jack, Hello Oral Care and now Olly Vitamins share in common? They are companies that have been inspired by the iconic brand Method.  Method Home Products, co-founded by Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry,... read more
How’s Your Walmart Strategy?

How’s Your Walmart Strategy?

The Idea: Do you truly understand Walmart’s strategy, as well as your own? The data says you may not. According to research by strategy& (formerly Booz) only 16% of top leaders are rated very effective at either strategy or execution,... read more
The Five Best “Ideas That Matter” from 2015

The Five Best “Ideas That Matter” from 2015

The Idea:  The Grateful Dead never played a song the same way twice. After studying the likes of Jazz greats John Coltrane and Miles Davis, they incorporated live improvisation into every song they performed.  Much like the Grateful Dead, great... read more
Are Others Allergic to Your Leadership Style?

Are Others Allergic to Your Leadership Style?

The Insight:  None of us are the leader we think we are.  It is hard to admit, but true.  And all the research points in that direction.  In twenty years of coaching, training, consulting and research, I am sure of... read more
Is Your Organization Relevant?

Is Your Organization Relevant?

Is Your Organization Relevant?   The Idea:  Intuit’s Founder Scott Cook reminds us, “A brand is no longer what we tell consumers it is, it is what consumers tell each other it is.”  Stories of your company culture, your leadership style,... read more
5 Big Ideas From The Top Retailers in the U.S.

5 Big Ideas From The Top Retailers in the U.S.

The Idea: Jack Welch once described trust by saying, “I could give you a dictionary definition, but you know it when you feel it.” The theme of the most recent Drug Store Industry Issues Summit in New York was that “trusting... read more
Nike:  A Culture of Questions! 

Nike:  A Culture of Questions! 

The Idea:  “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”  - Voltaire “Just Do It!” – Nike owns this declaration in our lexicon.  The Nike “Swish” is iconic, and Nike is more than a magnificent branding machine, they... read more
What Everyone Can Learn From Target!

What Everyone Can Learn From Target!

The Idea:  The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure a fall without abandoning your vision. In late 2013 Target was one of the first high profile companies to have their reputation smeared by a data breach... read more
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