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Do You Possess a Growth Mindset?

Do You Possess a Growth Mindset?

The Idea: Over the last thirty years of assessing the mindset of top performers, I am convinced more than ever before that the best in every industry possess a growth mindset.  What separates the good from the great is clear:... read more
Boring Managers Thrive!

Boring Managers Thrive!

The Idea:  Our culture is addicted to charismatic figures - government officials and higher profile leaders with the gift of public speaking, personal impact and persuasion.  We are pulled in by these attributes even when there is a void in... read more
Are You A Micro-Manager?

Are You A Micro-Manager?

The Idea: Are you a micromanager or just a bit of a control freak?   No one ever wants to be considered an oppressive person.  Most people who struggle with micromanagement don’t readily admit that they control others.  Micromanagement like any... read more
Pope Francis is a Lesson in Transformative Leadership!

Pope Francis is a Lesson in Transformative Leadership!

The Idea:  How can a man leading an organization that is 21 centuries old, drenched in symbols and hierarchy connect with so many people?  What can we all learn from the magic of how Pope Francis embraces others? This week... read more
How Do We Improve Broken Trust?

How Do We Improve Broken Trust?

The Idea: Edelman, the world’s largest PR agency, has recently published their annual trust survey and the results are gloomy, at best.   The research shows that public trust in the U.S. government remains near historic lows, although somewhat higher than... read more
Are You Curious Enough?

Are You Curious Enough?

The Idea:  Albert Einstein once said, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."  He believed there was nothing more important than this attribute, and he was right.    A 2015 PwC survey of more than a thousand CEOs,... read more
Do People Hate Your Meetings?

Do People Hate Your Meetings?

The Idea:  According to a new Clarizen/Harris Interactive Survey, 40 percent of employees believe status update meetings are a waste of time and 67 percent state they are spending up to four hours per week getting ready for their next... read more
10X Growth:   “Uncomfortable Being Comfortable”

10X Growth: “Uncomfortable Being Comfortable”

The Idea:  At the most recent Elevation Summit event, Ryan Olohan of Google shared companies that grow at a “10X” rate (not 10 percent), are uncomfortable being comfortable.  These organizations do two things very well.  They ask their team “how... read more
80/20 Your Business

80/20 Your Business

The Idea: Artist, musician and entrepreneur Dr. Dre recently shared that after 10 years of working on a musical project, he decided to toss it.  He explained that it simply “was not good,” and instead focused on his newly released... read more
Have You Overestimated Your Network?

Have You Overestimated Your Network?

The Idea:  Three things consistently trump a solid network. We can overestimate the value we bring to others; we can underestimate the value others bring to our customers; and we can overestimate the depth of our relationships and the level... read more
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