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Who Is On Your Personal Board of Directors?
The Idea: By 2020, roughly 40% of the workforce will be comprised of freelance, free thinking talent, according to a 2010 Intuit study. Surrounding ourselves with this type of talent is the key to flourishing in the new economy. The... read more
The Hidden Power of Introverts
The Idea: More than half of all top executives are extroverts even though most of the world is not. Often times extroverted leaders are serving a group of people who don’t relate to their style. They may even discount or... read more
Are You a Professional Listener?
The Idea: A professor once said to me, “Arguments suck because you either come off hard-headed, or you must assume that you may be wrong.” Many executives and companies either reject the truth or worse yet, fail to listen to... read more
Google Did It Again: Are You Uncomfortable?
The Idea: Rarely does one hear of Fortune 500 companies doing something truly entrepreneurial, but Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google, recently introduced Alphabet, the new name of the entity formerly known as Google. How does a “Too... read more
Can 1 Great Hire Equal 3 Good Hires?
The Idea: Kip Tindell, CEO and Chairman of The Container Store, founded the company in 1978 with $35k, and a set of brave ideals. This retailer of "empty boxes" was profitable on day one and has enjoyed a historical average... read more
How To Support a Narcissistic Leader
The Idea: Narcissism is an overused medical term often describing leaders who are self-centered, crave admiration, and lack empathy for others. Narcissistic leaders alienate others, manipulate their relationships, play victim and always believe they are under siege, often time distorting... read more
Defeating Goliath Without A Slingshot – The Chobani Story
The Idea: Perhaps the most disruptive brand in recent years is Chobani, the Greek yogurt company started in upstate New York by Hamdi Ulakaya in 2002. Within three years, Chobani was the market leader in Greek yogurt, having overthrown kingpins,... read more
Do You Lie To Yourself?
The Idea: According to a study by the University of Massachusetts, 60 percent of people lie at least once in a 10 minute conversation. People name-drop, over state relationships, discount their weaknesses and even twist the truth to make themselves... read more
R.I.P. Performance Reviews
The Idea: Accenture and Microsoft recently announced they are killing a sacred cow; they are eliminating their annual performance evaluation systems, and replacing them with a process which emphasizes more on-going feed-back and real-time coaching. New research states that organizations... read more
Have You Created Brand Assassins?
The Idea: There are two types of people who pay attention to your products: brand advocates and brand assassins. The only reason they care is because you have either built trust or broken trust, respectively. While 80 percent of companies... read more