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Have You Created Brand Assassins?

Have You Created Brand Assassins?

The Idea: There are two types of people who pay attention to your products: brand advocates and brand assassins. The only reason they care is because you have either built trust or broken trust, respectively.  While 80 percent of companies... read more
How Toxic Cultures Destroy Businesses

How Toxic Cultures Destroy Businesses

The Idea: Henry Ford once quipped, “Why is it that I always get the whole person when what I really want is a pair of hands?”  Of course, most people today recognize that this would be a detrimental mindset for... read more
Drucker Is Still Right – How To Be Distinct!

Drucker Is Still Right – How To Be Distinct!

The Idea: There are over 28 million businesses in the U.S. alone.  Big and small, most want one thing: to be successful. But success is not easy.  According to Bloomberg, 80 percent of entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the... read more
Vacations:  A Growth Paradox!

Vacations: A Growth Paradox!

The Idea:  Physical health gurus know that rest is necessary for rebuilding muscles you’ve recently worked.  The same is true for your mental and emotional state in the workplace.  In order to benefit from your work, you must let your... read more
What Flags Do You Wave?

What Flags Do You Wave?

The Idea: This week the state of South Carolina chose to take down the Confederate flag. Some saw the flag as a symbol of the pride of the south, while most viewed it as a symbol of racism and hatred. ... read more
Are You In Love With Flattery?

Are You In Love With Flattery?

The Idea: Leaders who surround themselves with groupies are far from healthy and are often living in a house of cards.  We all need people in our lives that are not afraid to push back and even critique us, if... read more
Why the Grateful Dead Matters to All Brands!

Why the Grateful Dead Matters to All Brands!

The Idea: The founder of the Grateful Dead, the late Jerry Garcia, once said, “We are the only ones who can do what we do.” This past weekend, a total of 210,000 fans descended on Chicago to see them perform... read more
The Secrets Women Understand About Leadership

The Secrets Women Understand About Leadership

Idea: According to a recent Harvard Business Review article, 78% of top managers and 67% of senior executives were men. Yet women are leading in 12 of the 16 categories that contribute to outstanding leadership.  The study doesn’t mean that... read more
Is Creating “Authentic Experiences,” Inauthentic?

Is Creating “Authentic Experiences,” Inauthentic?

The Idea: To claim authenticity is very different than creating the image of authenticity. “Authenticity” is often times code for we are working to create an image that looks and feels like an original, but actually is not.  We all... read more
What We Can Learn From Red Bull’s Approach

What We Can Learn From Red Bull’s Approach

The Idea: If you want wings, we will give them to you - this is the secret of Red Bull Energy Drink.  Red Bull doesn’t sell you. Instead, they invite like-minded people to join them on an extreme journey.  Red... read more
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