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“I Don’t Want To Eat My Broccoli” – How To Do Healthy Dissent

“I Don’t Want To Eat My Broccoli” – How To Do Healthy Dissent

The Idea: Disagreement is healthy, but it is difficult to do well. We often times don’t see ourselves the way others see us. We can appear disagreeable or adversarial and not cooperative. There is a gap... read more
Is Your Sales Presentation Missing A Story?

Is Your Sales Presentation Missing A Story?

The Idea: A senior buyer once shared, “everyone has an idea for me, but most don’t understand what it takes to sit across the table from me.” So why do many higher level sales discussions fail and why are the... read more
Why The New General Market Matters

Why The New General Market Matters

The Idea: Tony Bartell, COO of GameStop, recently shared: “A new wave of consumers is quickly becoming the most powerful economic force in retail, and it is causing retailers to refine plans on how to meet the needs of this... read more
You Talk Too Much!

You Talk Too Much!

The Idea:  According to a 2013 Scientific America article, “On average, people spend 60 percent of conversations talking about themselves—and this figure jumps to 80 percent when communicating via social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook.”  Very little is... read more
The Ultimate Secret Weapon!

The Ultimate Secret Weapon!

The Idea: "Purpose is at the essence of why firms exist," says Hirotaka Takeuchi, a management professor at Harvard Business School. "There is nothing mushy about it.  It is pure strategy.”  In a world of great uncertainty, where the rules... read more
Vulnerability – It Hurts So Good!

Vulnerability – It Hurts So Good!

The Idea: Brene Brown’s captivating TED talk about “Vulnerability” is the fourth most-viewed Ted video in the history of the series.  The topic’s popularity says two things: people care about it, and people struggle with it.  But being vulnerable –... read more
Leadership is Felt, Not Claimed

Leadership is Felt, Not Claimed

The Idea:  Every successful leader I’ve known had my trust, even the overly aggressive or emotional ones.  Many of these men or women are not who I would have picked from the crowd, but I knew they had something special,... read more
Are You On The Verge of A Fall?

Are You On The Verge of A Fall?

The Idea:  In 1930 the average S&P company lived for 90 years now it is only 17 years!  Success seems to come quicker and failure sneaks up even faster.  What’s really going on and how do we thrive in a... read more
Want to Improve Retention?  Conduct a “Stay Interview”

Want to Improve Retention? Conduct a “Stay Interview”

The Idea:  According to a Future Workplace survey, over ninety percent of Millennials expect to stay in their job for under three years.  And this number will continue to shrink.  So how do we develop and retain the most gifted,... read more
Start with Why

Start with Why

The Idea: When someone tells you that something “just doesn’t feel right,” all the facts in the world will not change their mind.  They need to trust you and they must understand the larger point of “why” you do business,... read more
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