The Idea: Brene Brown’s captivating TED talk about “Vulnerability” is the fourth most-viewed Ted video in the history of the series.  The topic’s popularity says two things: people care about it, and people struggle with it.  But being vulnerable – actively accepting critiques & sharing your inner thoughts – is one of the most important characteristics of healthy leaders.  Once you surrender to it, everything changes.

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable neutralizes the authority of shame.

Indeed, many of our own insecurities are deeply rooted in the idea that we “are not enough.” Having tough conversations with a boss, being nervous about how people will view you in a meeting and not being able to display appropriate emotions are all symptoms and manifestations in our careers that hurt us.  Many of us want to overcome these insecurities, but don’t know how.

Brown suggests that overcoming shame boils down to one idea: you must believe you are worthy (you are enough) and you belong.  And you must be open to becoming vulnerable.  I am talking about becoming vulnerable with your peers, friends, family and co-workers.  Everyone!

Those who believe they are worthy and belong are those who are able to embrace difficult moments, and recognize that vulnerability is uncomfortable but absolutely necessary.

Brown says that people who allow vulnerability into their lives “had the courage to be imperfect… the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others… connection as a result of authenticity. They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be, in order to be who they were, which is at the core of the connection.”

Are you courageous enough to become transformational leader by becoming vulnerable?

Do you have the courage to be imperfect?