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Please Stop Selling

Please Stop Selling

The Idea: Most people are not as persuasive as they think they are. People hate to be sold to, and yet most people are always selling. When you are trying to persuade, remember that people only buy what they discover... read more
Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe

The Idea:  A study by Stanford researchers found that being awed, radically shakes your perspective and expands your ability to use time effectively.  The research suggests that being awed makes you smarter, happier and more capable. It expands your mind... read more
Are Millennials Allergic to You?

Are Millennials Allergic to You?

The Idea:  Advertising campaigns can make or break a brand, but if there is one thing that is sure to frustrate millennials it is an inauthentic advertising campaign. Millennials often call marketing campaigns “patronizing”, “condescending” and “tone-deaf.” Do... read more
Why Do Smart Leaders Fail?

Why Do Smart Leaders Fail?

The Idea:  Smart leaders who end up failing often times are guilty of four sins. They get off track with their decisiveness, fail to create systems hindering execution, struggle with financial accountability and/or fail to attract and retain talent... read more
Who is Your Young Guru?

Who is Your Young Guru?

The Idea:  Who do you go to for fresh thinking and leadership inspiration? All organizations can learn about the creative process from the hyper-competitive entertainment industry. They are not afraid of bringing in outsiders. Are you willing to be shifted?... read more
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