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3 Questions Worth Considering
THE IDEA: “Children enter school as question marks,” writes author and educator Neil Postman, “and leave as periods.” We enter the world like a sponge, voraciously soaking information provided to us by teachers, parents, and other authority figures. The more information we glean,... read more
3 Sins Of Leadership
“One is often unconsciously surrounded by one’s own personal reality”
― Pawan Mishra
The more power one possesses, the more deceived one becomes. Title, influence, and status can leave you in a bubble. We become out of touch and our own insecurities take over, amplifying our vulnerability to manipulation, defensiveness, and bad decisions.... read more
Are You Ready?
The Idea: The last six months has elevated the stakes and the role of the sales process with all companies. The depth and quality of partnerships matter more than ever before, so what are the new behaviors, capabilities, and mindsets... read more
Are You Suffering from Self-Deception?
“We gather information (selectively), interpret it (prejudicially), and recall it (unreliably).”
- Marshall Goldsmith
In his book, Triggers, executive coach Marshall Goldsmith had thousands of leaders worldwide grade their performance. The results are shocking, 70% of leaders believe they are in the... read more
The DNA Of The Best Partnerships
Honesty and empathy are the lifeblood of the best supplier, retailer relationships. Knowing you can count on a partnership provides fluidity in even the most turbulent times, and COVID-19 has delivered more than enough turbulence. When lightning strikes, mutually beneficial... read more
How Do You Fight Fear?
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” - Anais Nin
The Idea: Our biggest problem is not that our perceptions are wrong, but that they are right. Fear paralyzes us from acting on what we already know. This can... read more
Is Your Coaching Transformational?
What does it mean to be a transformational coach? Those that I know engage with their clients on a much deeper level. They are thoughtful, adaptable, and courageous. These coaches invest in understanding the story, beliefs, and even the lies... read more
I Changed My Mind
In the last 75 days within my business, I have canceled a summit, postponed a forum, moved two other events to a digital format, while starting four smaller eight-person mastermind groups. It has been unnerving and stressful, yet my thinking... read more
My Armor Is Cracked
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” - Anais Nin
The Idea: The only thing I hate more than addressing a painful problem is ignoring it. Interpersonal conflicts, unprofitable customer demands, and highly political unproductive projects are painful and... read more
What's Your Process?
When I was in high school, college and even my first few years in sales, I suffered from public speaking panic attacks. It was an embarrassing burden I carried for many years; a monkey on my back, hindering every part... read more