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The SECRETS of Elite Teams

The SECRETS of Elite Teams

The Idea: “How” we communicate, matters much more than “what” we communicate. When Magic Johnson announced his resignation as Lakers President of Basketball Operations, there weren’t gaggles of protestors demanding Magic Johnson return, but instead a chorus of disappointment about... read more
The Dysfunctional Leader

The Dysfunctional Leader

The Idea: Gary Hamel, one of the world’s leading experts on business strategy believes, “What ultimately constrains the performance of your organization is not its business model, nor its operating model, but its management model.” I live In Chicago, where... read more
Your Team’s Emotional Health

Your Team’s Emotional Health

The Idea: Psychologist Robert Hogan claims that 60-75 percent of managers are poor or even incompetent leaders. A recent Gallup poll supports this claim, stating that companies fail to choose the right candidate for the job 82 percent of the time. Most organizations prop up dysfunctional business practices and insecure leaders, damaging the fabric of the culture. A high percentage of leaders are not as... read more
Volatility – Uncertainty - Complexity & Ambiguity

Volatility – Uncertainty - Complexity & Ambiguity

The Idea: Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, recently stated: “Despite all this rapid change in the computing industry, we are still at the beginning of the digital revolution.” The revolution has only just begun. We all look for certainty in an increasingly uncertain world and we... read more
3 Out Of 4 Meetings Fail

3 Out Of 4 Meetings Fail

The longer the meeting, the less is accomplished.   – Tim Cook The Idea: As the world turned off their televisions this week following President Trump’s address from the Oval Office, writer Adam Sneed described it via tweet as “the national political equivalent of a meeting... read more
You’re Boring Me

You’re Boring Me

The Idea: Most presentations lack a story. Ironically, those who have the most information – analysts, creatives or researchers – often do the least with it. Presentations become littered with too many charts, unconnected ideas and irrelevancy. Sadly, most people in the room don’t let on that they are not interested or are getting bored. And it’s not their fault. The brain... read more
The 3 Sins of Leadership

The 3 Sins of Leadership

The Idea: The more power one possesses, the more deceived one becomes. Title, influence, and status can leave you in a bubble, vulnerable to losing touch. Our own insecurities amplify our susceptibility to manipulation, defensiveness, and bad decisions. The poisons of power can sneak up on all of us.    Many of today’s most interesting organizations are digitally native and boundaryless leaving their traditional competitors in a... read more
Are You Being Deceived?

Are You Being Deceived?

The Idea: The interesting thing about a lie is that most people can see right through it. When I am confronted with someone who spins the truth, misleads, or outright lies to my face, it’s disturbing, and yet it is rarely called out. If one believes Donald Trump, omission of... read more
A Question for You 

A Question for You 

The Idea: Einstein once quipped, “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I... read more
Sorry, You’re Not My Type

Sorry, You’re Not My Type

The idea: A few weeks ago, I received an email from someone I had not spoken to in many years. This person was only an acquaintance, but they reached out to me stating, “It’s time to talk because I have a new business venture you need to be a part... read more