The Idea:  That’s your attention span while at work, plain and simple, says Erik Qualman. “Every eleven minutes, we get interrupted.  If we get back to the task at hand (forty percent of the time we don’t) then it takes twenty-six min to get back to that task.”  

This week’s idea is a brief one: five questions to help you dismantle attention roadblocks.

Roadblock #1:    Are You Distracted?

To become more efficient, the answer is to simplify, not multiply.  Half of your time must be invested in your team’s highest value priorities.  Focus and simplify your priorities.  No exceptions.  

Have you fallen in love with addicting, outdated or redundant activities?

Roadblock #2:    Do Others Trust You?

Per The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, forty-nine percent of surveyed sales managers shared that their sales organizations had lied on calls, and thirty-four percent had sales teams that made unrealistic promises.  

Exceptional relationship developers are extremely forthright.  Would others see you as a ruthless truth-teller?  Why not?

Roadblock #3:    Do You Truly Care?

Fifty-nine percent of Americans say a company’s social responsibility impacts their purchase decisions.

What do you stand for, and whom do you stand with? If you don’t know, either birth a new vision or find a new career.

Roadblock #4:   Are You Dissatisfied?

Eighty percent of leaders report dissatisfaction with their job performance, and seventy percent of senior managers agree.  Most people are not as productive as they would like to be, and it puts them at risk.

What one think must you stop doing TODAY to be more productive?

Roadblock #5:   Are You Aligned?

[Recent research by Bulldog Solutions uncovered that] Organizations with deeply aligned sales and marketing teams drive three times the revenue growth as poorly aligned competitors. And they are sixty-seven percent better at closing deals.

In every organization, the lynchpin to a growth stall is lack of alignment from the leader.  

Where are you misaligned with the customer or with your internal team?